How’s your nervous system functioning?

Your brain is a marvel of nature, a super computer that runs the entire show. With lightning speed, it receives trillions of signals every second from the body, eyes, ears, and itself, using this information to construct a unique reality in your mind. This sophisticated machine sends that information to the frontal lobes, where it decides what actions to take and how to interact with the world.

While your conscious mind is busy navigating through life, your subconscious mind is hard at work managing every organ system through the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. It's also responsible for controlling postural reflexes that keep you upright under the force of gravity. The movements you make may seem voluntary, but in reality, they are guided by a much larger subconscious that is constantly working to steer you towards positive experiences and away from danger. All of this happens seamlessly, without you even having to think about it.

Despite its extensive capabilities, the brain can encounter problems. Traumas can trigger certain neurons, impairing their output and leading to dysfunction in the tissues they control. This creates a unique type of software problem that can cause patients to experience pain, even when imaging looks normal. These neurological roadblocks can lead to problems with movement patterns, muscle function, proprioceptive issues, and altered postures, impacting the quality of life.

But fear not, for this is where functional neurology comes into play. This advanced discipline harnesses the power of the brain's incredible plasticity, using it to address these neurological challenges and restore optimal function. With the help of functional neurology, patients can regain control over their bodies and minds, paving the way for a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Functional Neurology is a system of diagnosis and rehabilitation of neurological conditions through the use of targeted stimulations and neuroplasticity

  • Where is the problem

    Neuron’s can become diseased anywhere in the body. They may exist in the receptors of the skin causing altered sensation, or the muscles causing weakness. Neurons may become dysfunctional in the brain, eyes, or inner ears causing dizziness, headaches, and more. Wherever they may exist, when hyperstimulated the body enters a withdrawl response. Our practitioners can use this for diagnosis in a system known as muscle testing.

  • What is the problem

    Once the region of the body is narrowed down on, the receptor type is tested. This can include stretch, contraction, pressure, pain, light, smell, taste, tilt, and many more stimulations. Once a neuron becomes weakened, the brain forms compensations. If it’s stretch issues in the front of the shoulder, it may be compensated by contraction issues behind the shoulder. The doctor uses a series of test to determine the location and type of compensation to the problem.

  • Reset

    Treatment is simple, quick, and easy. The doctor simultaneously stimulates both the problem and compensation simultaneously to drive a neural link between the two receptors. Using a series of reflexes and low level light therapy, the stimulations are pushed into growth, and this is called Neuroplasticity. Once the reset is complete the neurons regain normal levels of function and symptoms begin to dissipitate. Resets seem to be permanent and a series of 10 visits will uncover and reset all of these in your body head to toe.